Tuesday, June 29, 2010

36 Weeks

Dear Amelia,

Your due date is exactly 4 weeks from today. The days have quickly sped by, leaving only a handful remaining. I'm torn between wanting the next month to fly by so I can meet your sweet face and wanting the next month to linger slowly so I can keep you to myself for just a bit longer.

I am continuously amazed at how much we have both grown in the past 36 weeks. I have watched week by week as you grew from a grain of rice, to a grape, to a peach, to a squash and now you are larger than a honeydew. I have read each week what you are doing and what new development you are making. I have watched my belly expand each week and felt your kicks and movements grow stronger and stronger. As much as my belly has grown, I know my heart has grown bigger as I learn a whole new kind of love.

We have 28 days left to go, and with every day that passes you are becoming more prepared for the crazy, outside world. I know that the next month will both fly by and creep along. I'm working hard to make sure that we are ready for your arrival. I can't wait to see your daddy hold you and I know the entire family is so excited to meet you. You are such a blessed little girl to have so many people who love and care for you.

But, for the next month I am going to enjoy having you all to myself, keeping you safe and warm.


Your mom

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

35 Weeks and Graduation

We graduated!

From childbirth class that is. For the past 4 weeks, David and I have been attending childbirth and newborn care class at the hospital where I will deliver. I was actually super excited about taking this class because I want to be as prepared as possible for this event that I know is impossible to be fully prepared for. Others have told me that their classes were pointless, but I was really pleased with our class and our instructor. She is a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital and gave us lots of great tips and instructions.

Last night was our last class and we have officially graduated. We got a certificate and everything, which must mean we are ready to have a baby, right?

I know I am an inconsistent blogger (3 people told me yesterday I needed to update my blog, so this if for you guys). But really we haven't been terribly exciting. We have been working hard on getting the nursery ready. As soon as it is done I will definitely post pictures. It's still not quite finished, so I hope Amelia doesn't decide to join us too early!

One especially fun thing I do have, is my diaper bag. I am in love with this bag and can't wait to stuff it full of little tiny diapers! It was a gift from my mom, and I am in love with it! I looked long and hard for a bag before finding this one at Wiggles and Giggle downtown. Having a little girl, it is easy to drown in a sea of pink, so I was happy to find this bag that is my personality and my style. Isn't it great? Thanks Mom!
And here is the latest belly shot. If my belly is any predictor, Amelia is definitely growing at a steady rate! I can't wait to see some chubby little cheeks!

35 Weeeks

35 Weeks along, and now less than 35 days to go...