Tuesday, June 29, 2010

36 Weeks

Dear Amelia,

Your due date is exactly 4 weeks from today. The days have quickly sped by, leaving only a handful remaining. I'm torn between wanting the next month to fly by so I can meet your sweet face and wanting the next month to linger slowly so I can keep you to myself for just a bit longer.

I am continuously amazed at how much we have both grown in the past 36 weeks. I have watched week by week as you grew from a grain of rice, to a grape, to a peach, to a squash and now you are larger than a honeydew. I have read each week what you are doing and what new development you are making. I have watched my belly expand each week and felt your kicks and movements grow stronger and stronger. As much as my belly has grown, I know my heart has grown bigger as I learn a whole new kind of love.

We have 28 days left to go, and with every day that passes you are becoming more prepared for the crazy, outside world. I know that the next month will both fly by and creep along. I'm working hard to make sure that we are ready for your arrival. I can't wait to see your daddy hold you and I know the entire family is so excited to meet you. You are such a blessed little girl to have so many people who love and care for you.

But, for the next month I am going to enjoy having you all to myself, keeping you safe and warm.


Your mom

1 comment:

cphodson said...

well there is no way grandma hodson can't well up with tears after reading this blog! i have enjoyed reading all the blogs and keeping up with my precious grand baby's growth and development. i can't wait to see her sweet face and watch my kids become parents.

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