Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Letter to my 1 month old.

Dear Amelia,

Right now you are sleeping peacefully in your nursery. I've been watching you sleep and thinking how perfectly wonderful the last month has been. One little month and one little person has forever changed me. You are such a blessing to our family and I have loved every minute spent with you. I love your sleepy yawns and your huge grins. I love the way you smell so sweet. I love your soft skin and the way you hold so tight to my finger. I love your contented sighs. I love the hours we have spent memorizing each others faces. I love every single bit of being your mommy.

I love watching as you grow and learn new things every day. You are so alert and attentive, soaking up every detail of your new world. In your one short month you have learned so much. You have learned how to express your feelings, you have learned to smile, you have learned to track things with your eyes, you have learned to roll from your tummy to your back, you are learning to hold your head up. Every day brings new adventures for you and it is so fun to watch as you discover them.

I know as the months pass you will continue to learn an infinite number of new things, and I will be there with you along the way. But out of all the things I want you to learn, the most important is this: you are very loved.

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