Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter to my 3 month old.

My Dear Amelia,

Another month has passed and you continue to entertain and amaze us. With every day, you change, grow and do something new. You are such a happy little person and it is so much fun to be around you.

This month:

  • You had your first real belly laugh! It was after a very interesting diaper blowout, which evidently you found very funny. Your Daddy and I were both there to hear it and it was without a doubt, the best sound I have ever heard.
  • You are still sleeping through the night. You usually go to bed between 10:00 - 11:00, but you are now sleeping until about 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. You love your sleep! I think you must take after your mommy. :) You have started to take naps during the day, usually two, sometimes three anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
  • You cried your first real tears.
  • You started rolling from your back to your tummy. You now roll from tummy to back and back to tummy pretty frequently.
  • You propped yourself up on your elbows. We were in Ardmore visiting Grams and you were lying on your tummy. We went to the kitchen and when we came back you were propped on your elbows watching TV and grinning.
  • You found your hands, and now are completely obsessed with them. They are constantly in your mouth or clutched together at your chest. You are getting pretty good at seeing your thumb and sticking it in your mouth.
  • You discovered the TV. You LOVE to watch TV, and your favorite thing to watch is football.
  • You wore your first Halloween costume. We went to the Downtown Stillwater Halloween Festival for some trick-or-treating and you loved it! You were a skunk or "lil stinker" and you were so adorable! You were so excited to see everything and soak it all in...

...until you passed out.

You did not have a well baby appointment this month, but from weighing you at home, you currently weigh about 12 lbs. You are growing so much and changing so fast, and I am loving every minute of it.

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