Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Letter to my 6 month old.

Dear Amelia,

I am having a difficult time believing that you are 6 months old. It simply does not seem possible that so much time has already passed since we first brought you home. In these past days you have brightened the lives and filled the hearts of all around you. I remember those last couple months of pregnancy, anxiously waiting for your arrival and constantly daydreaming of who you would be. Now that you are part of our lives and I know your every laugh, every cry and every look that you get in your eyes, you are more than I could have ever imagined.

This month you have definitely come in to your own. Your personality has continued to grow and you have turned into your own independent little person. You are loving and curious and intelligent. You are also ornery and stubborn and mischievous. :) Our days have become much busier and more active lately as we spend our days exploring everything. To say you keep me on my toes is an understatement. This month:

  • You have become a pro at sitting up. You no longer need any assistance, and can re-balance yourself if you begin to fall.
  • You are teething. None have popped through yet, but they are getting close.
  • You decided that I am no longer allowed to leave the room. When I do you immediately shriek like a banshee until I reappear.
  • You are SO close to crawling. You get up on all fours and rock, but then flop back to your belly. I think you don't see the point in crawling when you can roll wherever you want to go.
  • You have started new foods, although you prefer the real thing instead of baby food. Sweet potatoes, LOVE! Sweet potato baby food, no thanks.
  • You go to bed around 9:30 pm and sleep until around 7:30 am.

At you 6 month well baby:
  • You weighed 16 lb 4oz (50th percentile)
  • You were 25 1/2 in (75th percentile)

I can tell things are starting to change. Your routine is diferent, your opinions are emerging, you are becoming more of a little person than an infant. This makes me slightly sad that the tiny baby days are ending, but I am so excited to see what the next month brings. I'm so proud of you already, my sweet baby girl.

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