Wednesday, April 7, 2010

24 Weeks

I think I should just come to grips with the fact that I am not ever going to be one of those amazing bloggers who faithfully posts the adventures of their everyday life. I am just either not that dedicated, or not that exciting to post everyday. Maybe after baby arrives I will have more eventful things to fill the pages of my blog, although less time to spend at my computer. :)

However, having been several weeks since my last post, I have quite a bit to catch up on. The time is quickly passing by... I think a little more quickly than I would like. We still have so much to do before Baby Girl Hodson arrives, but we have actually been rather productive the past few weeks.

The most exciting development is that we no longer have to refer her as "Baby Girl Hodson". A couple of weeks ago, David and I finally decided on a name for our sweet baby. After much discussion and "trying on" several names, we decided on a name that had been on our short list since the beginning. Amelia.

Amelia Gayle Hodson will be the name of our little one. We have known since before conception that if we ever had a little girl, her middle name would be Gayle. Gayle is a family name, the middle name of my wonderful Granny, Shirley Gayle Campbell. Granny was taken away from us much, much too soon in December of 2008. She was one of my most favorite people in the world and the matriarch of our family. She was a loving, funny, strong, stubborn and amazing woman, and I am proud that my daughter will share her name. Sharing Granny's name will give Amelia a lot to live up to, but I hope that by passing down stories and memories of our time with Granny, that we will also pass down her characteristics and her love.

Whew! With the name picked out, David and I were feeling pretty good. Until we remembered that we had not done one single other thing to start preparing for Amelia's arrival! So, last weekend we got started with our preparations. We registered for some basics at Babies R Us and Target and had a little mini shopping spree with my mom (or Grams) as she is otherwise called. We picked out a travel system, and pack n' play, and baby swing and a seemingly endless list of other items. I know we aren't even close to picking out everything yet, and we still haven't actually purchased any of these things. But, at least we started the process. Amelia may not have a crib, but thanks to Grams she does have the beginnings of a cute little wardrobe!

We also spent the weekend cleaning and reorganizing some of the rooms in our house. In order to accommodate Amelia, our other babies (Suki and Sullivan), are going to have to relocate. For the past two years, what will be the nursery has been the dogs bedroom. Yes, the dogs currently have their own bedroom. They will be moving into the office/craft room and part of the craft room will be moving to the garage. So, we had a fun weekend of cleaning the garage and moving things from one room to another. Again, we haven't actually finished this project, but at least it is started.

Now, we just need to pick a paint color, paint the nursery, pick out a crib, start gathering all the things on our wish list and actually put the nursery together. We have approximately 3 months and 20 days to accomplish this, unless Amelia decides to join us sooner! So, time to get our behinds in gear!

And just for fun, here are pictures at 23 weeks. Getting bigger everyday!

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